Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why I want to study in Germany

I have wanted to visit Germany for a very long time now. I started learning German seven years ago when I was in middle school. Through my language classes I have learned so much about Germany and its culture, but I have never been able to see and experience it for myself. In high school I had two chances to participate in a German exchange program. Because of the expense, I was never able to go to Germany, but I had two German girls stay at my house that I became friends with. They are both from Lahr, a city in southern Germany next to the Black Forest. I learned a lot from them and even if we don’t get close to their home during this trip, I am excited to finally be able to see their home country. 
This is a picture of Lana, one of my German friends, during her stay in the United States.
I thought this D term trip would be an excellent choice for several reasons. I have never been outside the USA before and I am majoring in Japanese, which requires a study abroad trip to Japan. I thought a short trip with a group to a country whose language I am more familiar with (but not totally comfortable with) would be a good way to prepare myself for a longer trip to Japan. I also am very excited to see all the sights and cities that we will be visiting during this trip. I love the design of all the great and old structures that can be found in Europe, and I know there are some beautiful ones in Germany.  It’s always been dream of mine, seeing as I grew up watching cartoon versions of Grimm fairy tales, to be inside of a real castle. Plus going to Berlin, a city that I have heard so much about from my various German teachers, and being able to speak to people that live there would be a fantastic experience.
This is a watercolor painting of Neuschwanstein Castle I made a few years ago.
I mentioned that I am a Grimm fan, but I like many of the modern forms of entertainment that come from Germany as well. I have seen a number of German films such as “Lola Rennt” and “Goodbye Lenin” which I have enjoyed very much. I am also a fan of a few German bands such as Rammstein and Tokio Hotel (though my German friends tell me they are not popular in Germany) and the musician Peter Fox.
Word count:426